Agham Posadas
Agham is a co-founder and CTO of La Luce Cristallina. Since 2023, he serves as lead production engineer at the company. Prior to this, he was a research scientist at the Materials Physics Laboratory in the University of Texas at Austin where was instrumental in developing the technology used by the company to make their products. Agham received his B.S. in Applied Physics from the University of the Philippines in 1994 and his Ph.D. in Applied Physics from Yale University in 2007. His graduate student work was on the integration of functional complex oxides on semiconductors using molecular beam epitaxy and rf sputtering. He moved to the University of Texas in 2009 where he worked with Prof. Alex Demkov on the development of various technologies of oxide-semiconductor integration, including Si, Ge, and GaN, and managing the experimental research effort of the Demkov group. He has co-authored over 120 research papers, several book chapters, and 8 patents on this topic.